How to prepare for chiropractor

One of the most commonly asked questions Ideal Spine Health Center gets from our Boise, ID patients is a simple one: “what can I do to make the most of my chiropractic visit?” It’s natural to want to continue feeling great, even long after your chiropractic session has ended. Thankfully, there are ways to maximize your adjustments to ensure you’re getting the most out of a visit. Additionally, it’s in the best interests of chiropractors to encourage their patients to adopt good pre- and post-adjustment habits.

Before the appointment

Getting the most out of chiropractic adjustments starts even before the appointment itself occurs. Patients need to consider how to ready their bodies to best respond to adjustment. For this concept to take root, there are a few pre-appointment options for patients to consider:

  • Eat a light meal or snack that’s high in protein;
  • Drink plenty of water and make sure you’re well hydrated;
  • Take a short walk or engage in activities that get you up and moving;
  • Take note of pain or discomfort so you can relay them appropriately to a chiropractor;
  • Try to get into a relaxed, calm state of being.

The ultimate goal is for patients to be in a state of being that’s “accepting” of the adjustments a chiropractor will make. For example, proper hydration will allow for muscle support after adjustments are made, while taking a short walk will loosen up the spine for easier adjustment.

Many chiropractors will often recommend these general pre-appointment tips, alongside any specific instructions based on a patient’s unique condition or ailment. For example, a patient using a TENS unit to stimulate nerves may be instructed to engage in a brief session before their appointment.

chiropractor before and after

After chiropractic adjustments

Most patients leave their chiropractic appointment feeling better on some scale. Unfortunately, this good feeling often goes away as the day progresses, simply because patients fall back into poor habits or don’t properly support recent adjustments. The simplest answer to questions of sustaining relief focuses on support.

Employing the takeaways from a chiropractic visit is first and foremost the smartest thing a patient can do to sustain results. This may include stretching or conditioning problematic areas, strengthening specific muscle groups, or practicing proper posture. It may also mean keeping positive lifestyle changes in mind, such as sleeping in a new position or avoiding specific dietary items. These takeaways are usually tailored to each patient to affect the best results over the long-term.

As a more general post-adjustment mindset, patients should consider the purpose of their visit to the chiropractor and what adjustments truly mean. If they’re being treated for lumbar pain caused by disc compression, for example, they might be mindful about sitting for the remainder of the day. This will enable adjustments to take hold and prevent excess strain on the adjusted areas.

Stay feeling great

For patients asking what they can do to get the fullest benefits from their chiropractic adjustment, the answer is to be mindful of the process. Prepare your body to receive adjustments, listen to your chiropractor’s advice and recommendations, and practice mindful living post-appointment to help set the foundation for ongoing relief.

At Ideal Spine Health Center, our ultimate goal is to help Boise, ID patients live pain-free, without having to suffer between adjustment appointments. The next time you’re in for adjustment, speak to your chiropractor about what you can do to get the most out of your appointments and increase your outlook for long-term wellness.

Contact us today for a free consultation and learn more about how you may benefit from a Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) adjustment schedule and lifestyle plan.

Chiropractic BioPhysics, or CBP, is one of the most scientific, researched, and results-oriented corrective care techniques. CBP-trained chiropractors aim to realign the spine back to health, eliminating nerve interference and addressing the source of pain, fatigue, and disease. As with all chiropractic care, CBP is gentle, painless, and non-invasive.